Great News: Ohio Attorney Who Was Suspended for Shitting in Pringles Cans and Leaving Them in The Parking Lots of His Opposition's Offices Has Been Reinstated

NY Post - “It was kind of like a release” that helped him “blow off steam,” the ruling quoted him as saying.

Still, the court found clear evidence that Blakeslee deliberately chose the parking lot of the advocacy organization as his “drop zone.”

The court wrote in its opinion that Blakeslee intentionally targeted the victim advocates “to seek an even greater thrill by pulling his prank on someone he knew … just minutes before he would see one of them in court.”

I originally blogged this story back in December when Ohio attorney James Blakeslee was originally suspended 6 months for his nasty habit of shitting in Pringles cans and firing them out the window of his car. The story was especially memorable for me, as when I originally read the headline I thought, "I'm sure this is some dumb young lawyer who's not quite outgrown his pranking days. He was probably the king of pranks back at his frat, and throwing Pringles cans full of shit out the window is a way for him to hold onto his youth." 

Or something like that. Not that, that makes any sense either. Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I thought. But I was certainly shocked to learn that James Blakeslee was in fact a 75 year old Vietnam Veteran who has been practicing law for over 50 years.

The story claimed that Blakeslee, who was (and apparently is once again) a defense attorney, and he would throw the shit filled Pringles cans into the parking lots of victim advocacy centers who were representing the people Blakeslee was facing off against in court. Just a little mental warfare pre-trial. An old lawyer's trick I'm sure.

You'd have to think that when you're a 75 year old lawyer... a man who's been practicing law for over half a century... that when you're caught up in the midst of a Pringles can poop scandal, that it's time to hang it up. Jack Blakeslee Esquire had a fine a career and an extremely eventful life. He's experienced more in his days than most people will in their entire lives. He has nothing left to prove. Just ride off into the sunset Jack. Buy a quaint little cabin in Hocking Hills, spend your days hiking or watching birds or succumbing to alcoholism or whatever the hell you want to do with your life. But for whatever reason, Jack Blakeslee wants to make a return to lawyering at 75+ years old as the Pringles can poop guy.

Columbus Dispatch - The Ohio attorney who was disciplined for pooping in a Pringles can and tossing it into a parking lot got his law license reinstated on Tuesday.

Jack Blakeslee, of Noble County, finished serving his six-month sanction that the Ohio Supreme Court imposed in November. The court said Tuesday that Blakeslee had complied with the conditions, including no further misconduct, to get his license back.

I guess that doesn't specifically say he's returning to work, but he took the necessary steps to get his license back. That's far more than I would have done. The minute that story hits the internet I'd be gone. I suppose he needs the money? Or maybe he just really loves what he does? I will say, a lawyer who's willing to go as far as to drive around with his own shit to fuck with his opponent must have some level of dedication to his craft. If I was on trial, and I found out that my lawyer was attacking my opposition with his own feces, I would very much appreciate that. There's a lot of lawyers out there who would do a lot less for their clients. 

There's a good chance I'll live in Ohio again someday. If for some reason I find myself in position where I need a lawyer, and Jack Blakeslee is still on the scene, I might just have to hire him. It's the least I could do after using his poop prank for a couple of easy blogs.

(except according to the original story, in one Pringles can instance Blakeslee was defending a criminal facing the death penalty after murdering a child.... so I really hope I don't end up needing that guy's services.... also makes his pranks a bit harder to defend... but the concept of it is still pretty funny)

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